USA Girl Scouts Overseas - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Girl Scout Troops

Click for Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam Forecast

We are a group of Americans and other expatriates who live in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)in Vietnam. All of us attend American or International Schools or are homeschooled in the HCMC metropolitan area. We have troops currently meeting in Districts 1, 2, and 7. We have these troops:

           * Brownie Troop 1 - with 2nd-3rd grade girls from American International School,
            meeting at AIS in District 1

           * Brownie Troop 2 - with 3rd-4th year girls from British International School (BIS),
            meeting at a private home in District 2

           * Junior Troop 3 - with 4th-5th grade girls from Saigon South International School,
            meeting at SSIS or at Kids Club (depends on week)in District 7

           * Brownie Troop 4 - with 2nd-3rd grade girls from SSIS, meeting at SSIS in District 7

           * Daisy Troop 5 - with K-1st grade girls from SSIS, meeting at SSIS in District 7

           * Daisy/Brownie/Junior Troop 6 - with K-5th grade girls from International School
            of Ho Chi Minh City (ISHMC), meeting in private homes in District 2

We are from a variety of nationalities and backgrounds, but we all have fun together! We participate in many of the same activities Girl Scouts enjoy in the USA and have started the school year with both the Brownie Quest Journey and with the Daisy/Brownie/Junior environmental Journeys - Between Earth and Sky, Wonders of Water, and Get Moving.

At the present time, we have about 61 girls registered - but would like to add more troops and girls and expand to more schools. Contact us if you'd like more information about having a troop of girls at your HCMC school.

Thinking Day Postcard Exchange 2012

We all participated in the World Thinking Day Postcard Exchange and exchanged about 300 postcards with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world! If you'd like to learn more about the exchange, please go to this website:

World Thinking Day Postcard Exchange

Would you like a World Thinking Day ecard from Vietnam? Click below to see each of our ecards and print them, or right click and "save the target" to download the ecards to your computer. Please note that these cards are in Adobe Acrobat format.

*Note If you need a FREE Adobe Acrobat reader, go to this website: Adobe® Acrobat Free Reader

Each of the ecards has an scan of the actual back of the card sent out by Troop 6 this year, with a narrative about this troop, scans of the Vietnamese postage stamps and our return address label with a drawing of a Vietnamese lady on it. All ecard photos are scans of the cards troops actually mailed this year.

Ecard 1 - Vegetable market in Vietnam                 Ecard 2 - Rural ladies selling fish

Ecard 3 - Local riverfront market                 Ecard 4 - Vietnamese girls bicycling to school

Ecard 5 - Motorcycle takes pigs to market

Postcards from USA 2012                 Postcards from outside USA 2012


The Girl Scout Program

USA Girl Scout program activities are based on the values stated in the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

    Girl Scout Promise

    On my honor, I will try,
    To serve God and my country,
    To help people at all times,
    And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be:

honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do.

and to

respect myself and others,
respect authority
use resources wisely
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

For more information or to join please contact:

Chairman, USA Girl Scouts - HCMC, Vietnam

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Copyright © 2010-2012 By USAGSO - HCMC, Vietnam
Last Modified February 16, 2012